Meet the Team

Emily Tianshi

Michael Zeng
Artificial Intelligence Program Director
Hi, I'm Michael Zeng, a junior at The Bishop's School. I'm an avid CAD designer and 3D printing enthusiast, and I love mechanical engineering. I also enjoy math, problem-solving, and programming intelligent systems, and I'm fluent in web design. I spend my free time developing and applying my skills in personal projects, since most of all, I love applying my skills in ways that really have an impact.
Kyle Tianshi
Michael Zeng
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Emily Tianshi
Co-Founder, Clearwater Innovation Program Director
Kyle Tianshi
Co-Founder, YouTube Program Director
Jimmy Muren
Artificial Intelligence Program Director
Hello! My name is Jimmy Muren and I am currently a senior at Valhalla High School. I am a very enthusiastic participant in robotics competitions, and have been doing Robotics for over 6 years. My time is mainly spent on the mechanics of robot building, and fabrication of parts using 3D printing or CNC milling. Personally, I love to dive deep into math and physics concepts (and food), and have recently been developing an AI project over the course of summer.
Jimmy Muren
Anthony Sung
Space Jam Program Director
Heidi Lau
STEMinism Program Director
Toby Sagi
3D Printing Academy Program Director